
Dairy Products
Food Additives


Dairy Products

God never intended cow milk to be consumed by humans. We are the only species that drinks the milk of another animal. And cow milk is never even mentioned in the Bible. Cow milk was designed by God to nourish an 80 to 100-pound calf at birth, a calf that would ultimately reach 1,500 pounds at maturity. Cow milk was not designed by God to nourish a 7 to 8-pound human baby! The milk of each species of mammal was designed by God as nourishment for the young of that particular species only. Most physical problems babies and young children experience can be linked to cow's milk, including colds, runny noses, ear infections, swollen glands, allergies, etc. In fact, almost all mucous membrane problems are caused by the consumption of dairy products. Furthermore, studies have shown that dairy products can be linked to skin rashes, arteriosclerosis, acne, rheumatoid arthritis, tooth decay and many other diseases.

There is also a bovine virus that causes tumors in cattle, and this virus is not destroyed in the pasteurization process. This virus has been proven to introduce leukemia in the cattle and in chimpanzees. Most infections that can be transmitted to chimpanzees can also be transmitted to humans, according to Dr. Frank Oski, M.D.

Americans, it seems, are hooked on cheese, another dairy product. Cheese is available in over 800 different varieties and is made almost exclusively from cow milk. The United States alone produces over one billion pounds of cheese annually. Approximately one tenth of the milk we produce is used in making cheese.

Cheese contains bacteria and molds which can be hazardous to our health. The fermentation process breaks down the proteins and fats and that process produces amines, ammonia, irritating fats and lactic acid. When these toxic substances are ingested they have to be processed and broken down by the body. It Is not uncommon for cheese to cause stomach irritation and migraine headaches, to say nothing of overworking the kidneys and liver.


Eggs are not good food! One egg yolk contains 80-percent fat and more than twice as much cholesterol as four ounces of beef. In addition, just as chickens are often contaminated with salmonella and other bacteria, so are their eggs.

In 1971 the American Heart Association took on the National Commission on Egg Nutrition in court over ads placed in the Wall Street Journal, which were stating among other claims that "There is absolutely no scientific evidence that eating eggs, even in small quantities, will increase the risk of a heart attack." After a lengthy court battle Judge Ernest G. Barnes ruled: "There exists a substantial body of competent and reliable scientific evidence that eating eggs increases the risk of heart attacks or heart disease ... This evidence is systematic, consistent, strong and congruent."

Dr. John McDougal, clinical nutritionist, reported the following findings when reviewing information regarding the "egg studies" used by the National Commission on Egg Nutrition to try to prove eggs are harmless: "Of the six studies in the medical literature that fail to demonstrate a significant rise in blood cholesterol level with the consumption of whole eggs, three were paid for by the American Egg Board, one by the Missouri Egg Merchandising Council, and one by the Egg Program of the California Department of Agriculture. Support for the sixth paper was not identified ... The trick is knowing how to design your experiment so you will get the results you are looking for. To get little or no increase in cholesterol results, you first saturate the subjects with cholesterol from other sources, because studies show that once people consume more than 400 to 800 milligrams of cholesterol per day, additional cholesterol has only a minor effect on blood cholesterol levels ... Well-designed studies by investigators independent of the food industry clearly demonstrate the detrimental effects of eggs on blood cholesterol levels."

A study conducted at the University of Minnesota found that 380 milligrams of egg yolk cholesterol per day caused an average blood cholesterol level 16 milligrams higher than a diet with only 50 milligrams of cholesterol. This translates to a 32-percent increase in the risk of a heart attack if a person consumes one- and-one-half eggs per day.

Food Additives

Another problem with the Standard American Diet involves the chemicals and additives food manufacturers put into the food stuffs they sell. A food additive is any substance added to the food itself. Currently there are approximately 3,000 additives used in the food industry with an additional 100 new food and color additives being submitted to the Food and Drug Administration for approval each year. Flavorings from natural and artificial sources average about 1,700 annually and comprise the largest food additive group.

There may be a few that are harmless; however, the majority are toxic to the body. When these additives enter the human body, they upset the delicate system created by God. The body struggles to excrete them as wastes, but many remain behind as accumulative toxins within the cells.

In their book Prescription for Nutritional Healing James F. Balch, M.D., and Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C., write: "The history of (food) additive use includes a number of products that were once deemed safe but later were banned or allowed to be used only if accompanied by warnings. The artificial sweeteners cyclamate and saccharin are just two examples of such products. Other additives, like monosodium glutamate (MSG) and aspartame, are used without warnings, but have been known to cause problems ranging from headaches and diarrhea to confusion, memory loss, and seizures."

In the processed food industry, additives have over 40 different uses. Here are just a few common additives that pose great threat to humans:

I. Acesulfame-K is a sugar substitute. During initial test trials, acesulfame failed to meet the FDA's standards. The tests concluded that this sweetener produced cancer in laboratory animals. The FDA recently approved Acesulfame-K for use as a sugar substitute in chewing gums, powdered beverages, instant coffee and tea, pudding mixes, non-dairy creamers and in gelatins.

2. Artificial colorings are often added to give the illusion of fruit or other genuine ingredients. Studies have shown that Yellow Dye # 5, Red Dye # 3 and other artificial coloring agents may cause cancer, allergic reactions and even behavioral problems. These dyes are used in breakfast cereals, ice cream, candy, soft drinks and a multitude of other products.

3. Aspartame is probably the most widely used sugar substitute. It is sold as Equal and Nutra-Sweet. One study linked Aspartame to a slightly higher incidence of brain tumors. There have been reports by consumers of headaches and dizziness after consuming this artificial sweetener found in diet soft drinks and other diet foods.

4. BHA and BHT are preservatives that prevent oils from going rancid. Some lab tests suggest that both of these additives may cause cancer. These two products are added by the manufacturers to increase shelf life of hundreds of processed foods. You will find BHA and BHT listed on the ingredients labels of shortenings, potato chips, dry cereals, bouillon cubes, etc.

5. Sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite are meat preservatives which can react with other chemicals in food or in the body to form carcinogens. This chemical reaction also occurs when meats that contain them are cooked at high temperatures. During the 1970s the USDA lowered the level of sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite allowed in animal products, which has alleviated some of the problems. Sodium nitrate and/or sodium nitrite are found in most brands of bacon, bologna, hot dogs and other processed meats.

6. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer found in many manufactured products and should be avoided. It can cause burning sensations, tightness of the chest, headaches and other symptoms. MSG is used in many Chinese restaurants.

7. Propyl gallate is an additive similar to BHA and BHT found in vegetable oils, meat products, potato sticks, chicken soup base, chewing gums and many other manufactured food items. It has produced cancer in laboratory animals.

8. Saccharin, an artificial sweetener, was banned in the 1970s because of the cancer it caused in laboratory animals. Recently, it has been allowed back on the market. Now products using this sugar substitute carry warning labels which read: "Use of this product may be hazardous to your health. This product contains saccharin which has been determined to cause cancer in laboratory animals." Saccharin can often be found in restaurants as a sweetener in packets on the tables.

9. Sulfites are preservatives which are especially dangerous to some asthmatics who are sulfite sensitive. Death can result when sulfite is eaten by a person who is sulfite sensitive. The FDA has banned the use of sulfite on most fresh fruits and vegetables: however, sulfite is still being used in dehydrated potatoes dried fruits and sea food.


Another very hazardous means of preserving food is irradiation. Although irradiation is not a food additive, the Food and Drug Administration has given approval to this procedure, which submits fruits and vegetables to radiation to give them a longer shelf life. This process destroys the enzymes that are the life force within the food. The fact that the food is now dead doesn't seem to bother the food merchants or government agencies. Irradiation levels can be as high as 100,000 rads, which is equal to 4 million chest X- rays. When irradiation was first introduced, the food had to be labeled as having been irradiated, but the problem was that most people did not want to buy food that has been submitted to radiation, so processors successfully lobbied to have these labels removed. So now, consumers buy fresh-looking strawberries and other produce without knowing that they have been irradiated.

Studies have shown that there are over 150 chemical residues found in the foods we consume. Many crops are sprayed over 20 times in a single season. Foreign imports may be sprayed as many as 50 times with poisons that are outlawed in the USA. In the food industry, thousands of pesticides, antibiotics, additives, and other chemicals are used in growing and preparing for storage the foodstuffs we consume. It is imperative that we learn to read labels when searching for food for our families.

Ideally, every family in America should have a garden and orchard from which they could pick and prepare their meals. Obviously this is not always an option. However, you can see the need for organic produce to feed your family. It is encouraging to note that because of consumer awareness, the production of organic produce is increasing every year.