
Raising Healthy Children Begins with a Healthy Pregnancy & Nursing

Children are a gift from God that we are to treasure and nurture even before conception! Prior to a husband and wife becoming one to produce a child, they must realize that with that innocent gift comes awesome responsibility ... a responsibility that lasts a lifetime! Think about the impact a new child will have on your home, your work schedule and your freedom. A baby needs love, security, warmth and understanding and these things can only be provided by parents who know the meaning of love and are willing and able to share that love unselfishly. Children born for the wrong reasons suffer problems and complications and often do not receive the nurturing God intended, which is so necessary to develop into healthy adults.
Several months or even years prior to becoming pregnant, the parents should share with one another what their desires and expectations are. Their thoughts and actions should be aimed toward a goal of serving the Lord and their diets should be composed of foods that contain and produce life - the living foods that God has given us. Live plants have abundant oxygen and chlorophyll so essential for the healthy environment of a growing infant. Improper diet and bad lifestyle choices (drug use, lack of exercise, etc.) can cause a wide range of problems, including miscarriage, excessive weight gain and retention of fluids by the mother, low birth weights, or insufficient nutrients for proper cell growth and brain development.
At Hallelujah Acres we recommend, whenever possible, that a young couple get on the Hallelujah Diet at least six months prior to conception. The reason? We have found that this diet of living foods call actually repair damaged DNA. By giving both parents living food, they develop the strongest sperm and egg possible so the child produced by this union will have the very best start in life. During pregnancy the body requires high-quality nutrients, which can best be found in organically- grown fresh vegetables and fruits. A few nuts and seeds can be eaten as well, but they are very high in fat and difficult to digest, and thus should be eaten sparingly. Some "experts" teach that expectant mothers require approximately 300 extra calories per day. These 300 extra calories could be obtained by consuming about one and one half cups of a starchy food like brown rice or millet, or half an avocado, or three to four apples in addition to their regular food intake. However, during pregnancy, be sure that fruit is no more than 15 percent of the total food intake, because fruit is very high in natural sugar and can cause cleansing problems.
Positive mental attitudes and exercise are vitally important in maintaining a healthy, vibrant body and are especially important during pregnancy. Walking and swimming are two exercises that can easily be done, and both provide a release for tension while building a healthy environment for the child. An expectant mother also needs to get adequate rest and should not push herself to exhaustion.
There are seven components required for a healthy diet: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and water, all provided by God in the living plants. Women who are expecting a little one also can use some extra iron, especially during the latter half of pregnancy. Recent reports have indicated that iron supplements can be toxic to the body and can cause an increase in the length of the pregnancy and potential complications. Barleygreen, carrot juice, raw spinach, raisins and other dried fruits are tremendous natural sources of iron in a form the body can easily assimilate and utilize.
An expecting or nursing mother also needs to have an abundant supply of calcium which can be found in the green leafy vegetables such as raw broccoli, kale and Barleygreen. These sources of calcium are easily absorbed by the body, with no harm to the mother or developing child. Calcium supplementation as found in pill form or dairy products can be harmful to both mother and baby.
The B-Complex group of vitamins help the baby's nerve development and can also help prevent the mother's sugar cravings. B-Complex vitamins are found in green vegetables, grains and whole-grain breads.

Fats are also necessary for proper brain development for the child and the hormones of the mother. But it must be the right type of fat. Most of you already know the Standard American Diet is much too high in fat, and that there is a direct relationship between diets rich in fat and cancer, heart disease and other killers. But even though Americans eat too much fat, most are deficient in the two essential fatty acids, linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids. Part of the reason for this deficiency is that Americans eat too much saturated fats from animal products and partially-hydrogenated fats from foods such as margarine, both of which block the body's utilization of essential fatty acids. All fruits and vegetables have some of these essential fatty acids, while nuts, seeds and avocados provide even more.
Flax seed oil is an especially good source of fat because it is extremely rich in omega-3 fatty acids and lignans. Lignans are best known for their anticancer effect. Another vital key to health is consuming more omega-3 and less omega-6 fatty acids. Most people consume too much omega-6 fatty acids (mainly from processed foods) and not enough omega-3 fatty acids. A diet low in saturated fat and high in omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to prevent many of the same diseases caused by a diet high in saturated fats.
A 1995 pharmaceutical bulletin noted that omega-3 fatty acids are essential for establishing and maintaining proper brain function, especially in infants and children. The pharmaceutical bulletin noted that breast-feeding supplies a substantial amount of omega-3 fatty acids, while almost all infant formulas are limited in omega-3 fatty acids, which can hinder brain and eye development of the child.
Protein should not be a problem during pregnancy for anyone with a good diet. Complete protein is constructed in the human body from amino acids obtained from the food we eat. All vegetables and most fruit provide sufficient amounts of amino acids to meet our protein needs, while higher amounts are found in nuts, seeds and avocados. Mothers that eat too much protein are increasing their chances of complications, according to Dr. M.T. Morton, Jr. He states: "Some are going to advise you to eat more protein, but if you do, you are increasing the chances of a complicated pregnancy and delivery."
He adds, "A mother's diet should be mostly vegetables with some fruit, nuts, seeds and whole grains. If hunger in the morning is a problem, some fruit or fresh juice is a good solution. For lunch, eat fruit or a raw green salad that can include either nuts and seeds or an avocado. For supper, eat a large green salad and steamed vegetables, along with something starchy such as a baked potato, whole grain bread, brown rice or pasta. For dealing with hunger between meals, ideal snacks include fruit or vegetable sticks, especially celery and broccoli, since they are high in iron and calcium. Fresh vegetable juices are also an ideal in-between-meal "snack." All vegetable juices should include a base of at least 60-percent carrot juice, giving you the option of adding an apple, celery, broccoli, cucumber, beet, bell pepper, parsley, spinach or most any other vegetable. Fruit juices may be consumed occasionally, but should be limited to one serving per day."
These dietary recommendations for expectant mothers are similar to those being recommended by some nutritionally-educated medical doctors, such as Joel Robbins, M.D. As Dr. Robbins says in his tape Pregnancy, Childbirth and Children's Diet, "By juicing fresh fruits and vegetables and by having at least two 8-oz. glasses of fresh juices daily along with a healthy diet is the best vitamin and mineral supplement there is to insure mother and baby get all the nutrients they need."
Also, Neal Barnard, M.D. states, "Plant-based diets provide a good balance of nutrients to support a healthy pregnancy and are superior to diets containing milk or other animal products. Whole grains, vegetables, beans and fruits give both mother and baby the nutrients they need. Support for a vegan diet during pregnancy comes from a study of 1,700 pregnancies at The Farm, a large community in Tennessee. The study showed a record of safety that would delight obstetricians. Only one in a hundred delivered by cesarean section. And in twenty years, there was only one case of preeclampsia, a syndrome of hypertension, fluid retention, urinary protein loss, and excessive weight gain, that occurs in at least 2% of pregnancies in the United States overall. Other studies have found similar results."
"Most of the mentally retarded babies born in America are due to the mother's drug, cigarette or alcohol addiction or their poor eating habits where they lacked the basic vitamins and minerals needed to produce a healthy baby." - Dr. Roger Williams, noted scientist and nutritionist.
Pregnant and nursing mothers should avoid junk foods, foods high in sugar and fat, and they should never consume alcohol, caffeine or smoke cigarettes. Women who drink during pregnancy are shown to have babies with decreased birth rates, smaller heads, mental retardation, and can even have abnormal face, heart and appendages. Caffeine and cigarettes can cause birth defects as well as many other complications.
Fish that swim in polluted waters carry in their flesh PCBs, mercury contamination and many other toxins that appear in a much higher concentration in their flesh than in the waters. According to John Robbins in Diet for a New America, the E.P.A. estimates that fish can accumulate up to 9 million times the level of PCB's in the waters in which they live. Extremely high levels of PCB's accumulate in the bodies of fish (and animals that eat the fish) because this toxic material is very difficult to eliminate once it is inside the body. When ingested into the human body, PCB's can remain for decades. A study done at Wayne State University showed that women who ate fish regularly - even years prior to conception - had higher incidence of babies who were slow to respond at birth, smaller head circumference and other problems as well.
Another serious problem with fish is bacteria. In his book, Food for Life, Neal Barnard, M.D., writes, "Unlike cows and chickens, fish are cold-blooded. So the bacteria that live in them are quite comfortable - and even grow at the temperature in your refrigerator. Consumer Reports found that bacterial contamination is so common in fish that at least 40 percent have begun to spoil before they leave the grocery case. And a slightly higher percentage contain fecal bacteria from human or animal waste. Fish pick up these bacteria in polluted waters and (from human hands) in the ironically named process of cleaning' and handling.
It is unfortunate that some people who have quit eating meat still believe that fish is a healthy alternative. The reasons for not consuming meat (high cholesterol, zero fiber, excessive chemical toxins, high fat and indigestible protein) are equally true for fish.
The human body is made up of 70 percent water and the baby is suspended in a sac of specially formulated water. In order to ensure a healthy environment for the baby, six to eight glasses of distilled drinking water daily is vital, along with the naturally distilled water found in plants.
One of the common discomforts of the beginning stages of pregnancy is a form of early-morning nausea known as morning sickness. Morning sickness usually subsides after the first couple months of pregnancy, but can be experienced in some cases for as long as three to five months. There is more than one medical theory on the cause of morning sickness but this is usually not a problem for women with an ideal diet.
Joel Robbins, M.D., D.C., N.D., explains that morning sickness is an "extraordinary cleaning" to rid the mother's body of any toxins for the sake of the unborn baby living inside her body. He writes "when a mother conceives, her body wants to prepare the best environment possible for the unborn child. So the mother's body will do some extraordinary cleaning to rid itself of toxins. While the mother sleeps, her body is dumping all kinds of poisons into the bloodstream to be removed through the kidneys and the liver. A Mother who has not been eating well has backed up kidneys and liver, her body is congested and toxic. Through the night the toxins are dumped into the bloodstream which carries them to the kidneys and liver, causing them to be overloaded and extremely toxic first thing in the morning. The sensation of morning sickness is the body's way of saying don't put anything else in here, I'm just barely keeping my nose above water rig ht now trying to deal with the toxins which are being eliminated."
Dr. M.T. Mortor, Jr. writes, "When you experience morning sickness, your doctor may recommend a pill to eliminate the symptoms, and it may work. However, I want to remind you that years ago they recommended thalidomide and it made the expectant mothers feel fantastic in the morning and totally eliminated morning sickness. Therefore, it was widely used in this country and everyone was happy. What happened, however, was that the babies were born without arms and legs. What a tremendous price the mothers paid to eliminate a little bit of morning sickness. Covering up the symptoms is not the answer, we have to find the cause ... Morning sickness can be prevented if mothers follow the diet program before pregnancy. In any case, no medication should be taken for morning sickness."
"My file is full of examples of Americans with soft bones (dissolved, I believe, by their phosphoric acid consumption) and my heartfelt concern for fetuses is now a reality - many are being born without face bones, with missing ribs, with fewer than normal carpal bones, and so forth. Do we really care? Do we care enough to change our lifestyle? I sincerely hope so."

For nursing mothers, a plant-based diet reduces levels of environmental contaminants found in their breast milk, compared to mothers who consume flesh. As stated earlier, the flesh tissue concentrates the chemical contaminants eaten by the animal during its lifetime. It is also important to avoid dairy products because the high protein in the cow's milk can travel through the placenta and even combine with breast milk. If a nursing mother consumes the flesh or milk from a cow, the hormones, antibodies and other drugs administered to that cow can be passed on to the infant in the mother's breast milk. These antibodies can cause colic as well as other problems in the child.
Breast-feeding is the method God designed for the baby's complete nourishment and meets all of their nutritional needs for the first 18 to 24 months of life. Many parents incorrectly think that starting an infant on solid foods earlier than recommended will make their child healthier and stronger. This is a false assumption that will have the opposite effect because breast-feeding provides a natural immunity to many diseases and provides nurturing that cannot be obtained elsewhere. If a mother is eating a proper diet, breast milk contains 100 percent of the nutrients needed for proper growth of the infant. As the baby requires different nutrients, these nutrients are formulated in the mother's body, meeting all of the child's needs, which often varies from day to day. Baby cereals were never meant by God to be a source of nourishment for infants and can produce many problems within the child's body.

"A nursing mother in close contact with her infant can make antibodies on demand to pathogens that challenge him (or her) and transfer them in milk." - H. Marano, Breast Feeding: New Evidence It's Far More Than Nutrition

If breast-feeding is not an option, the next-best thing is expressed mother's milk which has been stored in the refrigerator. If expressed human breast milk is not available, then try to find a source for raw, unpasteurized goat's milk. Goat's milk is similar to human milk in composition and many children have been successfully raised on it. Goat's milk will keep approximately four days in the refrigerator. Formulas that contain rice or soy products are not recommended as they can produce allergies and are difficult for the child to digest. Goat's milk is a little richer than human milk and should be diluted 50-50 with distilled water. Another recommended mixture is one-third goat's milk, one-third fresh carrot juice and one-third distilled water.
If nursing is not an option and goat's milk is not available, raw almond milk combined with a green drink (raw, freshly juiced vegetable greens or Barleygreen) and/or diluted carrot juice might be used. Be sure these are well strained.
Commercially-available infant formulas are never recommended! These formulas cause mucous membrane problems such as chronic colds, ear infections, bronchitis and allergies.
If colic is a problem (which shouldn't occur if mother is eating properly), diluted, freshly-extracted, carrot/apple juice can be given as early as three weeks of age. Start with one ounce carrot/apple juice in three ounces of distilled water in a four-ounce glass bottle. (Never use plastic bottles or nipples containing nitrates.) At four months, this mix can be strengthened to 50 percent carrot/apple and 50 percent distilled water and after eight months the pure juice can be given. Always strain juice through a very fine strainer. Organic produce is always preferred.
One of the causes of colic can be dairy consumption by the mother. According to the August 1991 issue of Lady's Home Journal, "If your breast-fed newborn has colic, you may want to eliminate dairy products from your own diet. Colic may be caused by a protein in cow's milk that can be passed from mothers to babies, say researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Associate Professor of Medicine Anthony Kulczycki, M.D., and Patrick Kline, M.D., recently studied milk samples from 59 mothers and found that protein (bovine) ran about 30-percent higher in mothers with colicky babies than whose infants didn't have colic."
If cow's milk consumed by a breast feeding mother can have this type of effect on a baby, consider the potential problems that can be caused by a young child directly consuming this product. Infants should never be reared on cow's milk! In addition to the colic cow's milk can cause, it can also produce all kinds of mucous membrane problems, diaper rash, allergies, ear infections, etc. It is thought that the proteins in cow's milk (which are very different from the proteins in human breast milk) can ignite the production of antibodies that can produce insulin-dependent diabetes in mothers as well as unborn children.
Approximately 100 vital nutrients are missing in cow's milk and cannot be duplicated in formulas. Actually, formulas are probably the single most dangerous substance that you can feed an infant. For proof of this statement, watch the frequent mucous membrane problems that formula-fed infants experience. If an infant with mucous membrane problems is switched from cow's milk or formula to raw goat's milk, the problems almost always disappear.
A very authoritative book on the subject is Don 't Drink Your Milk! by Dr. Frank A. Oski, MD, who is Director of the Department of Pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Dr. Oski writes, "… allergy to cow milk is far more common than is generally appreciated. Dr. Joyce Gryboski, who directs the Pediatric Gastrointestinal Clinic at Yale University School of Medicine, states that they see at least one child a week who is referred for evaluation of chronic diarrhea and proves to have nothing more than an allergy to cow milk."
Dr. Oski's book includes an account of one child who had developed an extreme case of iron-deficiency anemia at six months of age. "He had diarrhea, he was very pale and he developed a swelling in his hands and feet and a bloating of his abdomen. His iron-deficiency anemia was treated for months with iron supplements, but with no improvement. The child was eventually taken to a large medical center, where it was determined that he had an allergy to the protein in cow's milk and beef. Once all cow's milk and beef were removed from the child's diet, he completely recovered. In this case, the diarrhea was preventing the child from retaining nutrients from his feedings, and the allergic reaction caused "seepage of the child's own blood into the gut. This loss of plasma and red cells leads to a lowering of the infant's blood protein level and to the development of anemia. The lowering of serum proteins, if profound, results in swelling of the abdomen, hands, and feet. Most infants with this condition respond promptly to the elimination of cow milk from the diet."
Dr. Oski adds, "A less dramatic form of gastrointestinal sensitivity to cow milk is also being recognized with increasing frequency. This form of sensitivity rarely produces dramatic symptoms but results in slow and steady bleeding. Infants with this form of milk sensitivity may lose 1 to 5 milliliters of blood per day in their stool. Eventually they become anemic from the steady hemorrhage. The volumes of blood lost each day are too small for detection by simple visual examination. The stools appear to be of normal color and the blood can only be detected by chemical tests."
Normally a newborn has a rather high iron level, which it maintains during the first three months of life. However, as a baby grows the body does need iron, which can be found in a variety of fruits. The vitamin C found in fresh fruit enhances iron absorption. Cow's milk is very low in iron and can cause a chronic blood loss through the digestive system.
A child can develop allergic reactions if whole foods are introduced too early in life; therefore, add new foods slowly. As teeth start to appear, some ripe, raw fruit like a little mashed banana or avocado can be added to the diet, but acid fruits should be avoided. Noted author, Elizabeth Baker writes, "The baby, when breast fed by an optimally nourished mother, will develop more quickly than average. He/she will be active, curious, happy, good natured and strong. It is well not to introduce solid foods for five or six months (until front teeth appear), and then only mashed or strained raw fruits such as banana, avocado, scraped apple, peach, apricot, sweet plum, etc. Cooked cereals introduced at a few weeks, or meat purees, puddings and sugar sweetened cooked fruits will almost assuredly cause baby to be allergy-proned because a baby cannot digest cooked carbohydrate and animal proteins before approximately one year of age. Infants lack the digestive enzymes for assimilation. These undigested foods become toxins, the beginning of problems for the tiny body."

"The brain gets bigger right after birth. By the age of two, it's close to adult size. Man's future depends on what his food is as an infant." - Quoted in Liebman, B., "Baby Formulas : Missing key Fats?" Nutrition Action, October 1990

Raw foods can be pureed in a Champion or Green Power Juicer or Vita Mix very easily. Over a period of months, add more fluid until the child's diet consists of up to 40 percent fluid. Never use jarred baby foods as they have been cooked, thus destroying the nutrients, and often they have had salt and/or sugar or other harmful ingredients added to them. Until a child's molars start to appear about the age of 18 to 24 months, the child's jaws are not fully formed, nor is the digestive system developed enough to handle solids. Therefore a child should not be weaned until his system is ready for a more diverse diet. After molars appear, raw vegetables can he pureed and added to the diet and as the child begins to chew, these raw vegetables can be ground less and less finely in a food processor or blender. As the child begins to chew food, some cooked food - such as baked potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, steamed vegetables and perhaps some brown rice can also be added to the diet.
When a child starts to eat solids, it is imperative to teach them to take small bites and to chew (masticate) their food well. All foods should reach a creamy consistency before being swallowed. Otherwise they reach the stomach in a form which takes much longer to break down.
When introducing new foods in your child's diet, it is important to remember that children are often reluctant to try new things. New foods should be served along with foods the child is familiar with to lessen the shock. Just because a child rejects a particular food one time, don't get discouraged and never try it again. Often with repeated exposure children will accept foods they initially rejected. A good rule of thumb is to require the child to try one bite of a new food and not force them to eat more, since it takes time to adjust taste buds. Don't limit a child's food intake to only the foods you like. There are many taste treats out there. Remember, meals should be a positive, enjoyable time and your attitude about new foods will go a long way in developing a positive attitude in your child. Because it is very difficult to change a behavior that has become a "part of you" any foods that are addictive or harmful should always be avoided. This would include anything that comes from an animal source (meat, dairy, eggs, etc.), refined sugars, salt, white flour products, coffee, colas, heated oils, peanuts, cashews or any manufactured product containing the above.
When children reach school age, they should be on the same nutritional program as their parents, with some slight modification. Breakfast is recommended for children.
Some people may be concerned about raising children without the "benefits" of meat and dairy products. Studies have shown that vegetarian children are more slender, healthier and live longer than do their meat-eating companions. Remember a child should not be pudgy! Overfeeding leads to obesity, lethargy and an unhealthy lifestyle that produces many physical problems.
Ralph Cinque, D.C., states in a recent article, "Feed your children fresh fruits and vegetables, but also make sure that they consume a sufficient amount and variety of concentrated foods. By concentrated foods, I am referring primarily to whole grains, legumes, and nuts. These are the foods that have the most calories per unit volume in a vegetarian diet.... Caloric undernutrition is a distinct possibility if too many watery foods are eaten, especially with children. The results may include: being underweight, have low energy, having low resistance to infection, and being hungry all the time. Being hungry all the time is a tell tale sign. Children usually have hearty appetites, but it is not normal for them to be constantly preoccupied with food. A child who always wants to eat rather than play may not be getting a balanced diet."
Calcium is supplied by fruits, vegetables, beans and grains. Animal products rob the body of calcium and should not be a part of the diet.
Just as children require raw juices and raw food for enzymes and live nutrients, children also require protein for growth and maintenance, but not high-protein foods. A varied vegan diet provides plenty of protein when protein-rich foods like almonds, sunflower seeds, lentils, quinoa, brown rice, split peas, etc. are included in the diet. Barleygreen is an excellent source of protein. The "protein deficiencies" that caused concern for our parents were because of reports from poor countries where starvation or severely restricted diets of a few food items were the norm. A protein deficiency is highly unlikely on a diet comprised of a variety of plant foods. (For more information on protein, see Chapter 15, "Protein and Propaganda," in God's Way' to Ultimate Health.)
The fat intake required by very young children is greater than that of an adult. Modest amounts of nuts, seeds and avocados should be included in the diets of children. However, it is important not to allow children to overindulge. Many children in the United States, as early as age 3, are well on their way to heart disease before they ever enter school. Fat from animal products and hydrogenated oil sources begin to layer on artery walls, and this continues through the teen years and on into mid-life. Between 1963 and 1980, obesity among 6 to 1l-year-olds increased 54 percent in a study conducted by Dr. Dietz and his associates. In this same age group extreme obesity rose 98 percent! Other studies have shown that Japanese children who were brought up on diets which contain only about 10 percent fat are much healthier than their American counterparts whose diets are much higher in fat.

"The average 12-ounce cola has about 150 calories and over an ounce (9 teaspoons) of refined sugar: a 12-ounce un-cola has 7 1/2 teaspoons of sugar." (Dr. Agatha Thrash, MD, reports that 24 teaspoons of sugar in one day destroys 92% of the body's ability to destroy bacteria). - Home Remedies, Yuchi Pines Institute, Seale, Alabama, 1981

God created fruits and vegetables that contain natural sugar, which is accompanied by vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals. Children do not need the added sugar and salt found in most manufactured products. They are very destructive to a child's body.
Sugar provides quick energy; however, each calorie that children ingest from sugar is one less they can spend consuming nutrient-dense foods that are required for proper growth and development.
In a recent report from the Sugar Task Force, the US Food and Drug Administration found that children between the ages of 1 and 18 are consuming about one quarter of their calories from sugar. The annual sugar consumption in America has risen from an average of seven pounds per person per year in 1900 to 150 pounds per person today - that's over 50 teaspoons per day!
Refined sugar contributes nothing but empty calories. Soft drinks are one of the biggest culprits in adding sugar to children's diets. For example, in a 12-ounce can of Coke you will find over 9 teaspoons of sugar flavorings, water and caffeine along with its 144 empty calories. Children who consume a lot of sugar often have trouble getting enough nutrients.

A nutritionist at the US Department of Agriculture, Patricia Guenther, reports that, "soft drinks have the greatest impact on the adequacy of calcium intake." Her findings note that children who consume one or more soft drinks per day have about one fifth less calcium absorption than those who drink no soft drinks.

Sodium chloride or table salt increases the risk of high blood pressure in children just as it does in adults. Children, like adults, need sodium, but the amount is minimal compared to what is being ingested through the Sad American Diet. A one-year-old child requires 225 milligrams of sodium per day, while an 18-year-old requires 500 milligrams a day. The results of a study in Louisiana by the Bogalusa Heart Study found that after two years of age, the average child consumed 2,670 milligrams of sodium chloride daily. The sodium intake increased with age with the average 17-year-old consuming 3,670 milligrams of sodium per day. What are we feeding our children?
Like adults, children need sunlight, which allows their bodies to produce vitamin D and provides other nutrients necessary for proper growth.
"A government warning was once issued to the manufacturer of a certain world famous refreshment soft drink for its suspected effect on the bones of children because of the large amount of phosphoric acid in it. Pour coke over an extracted baby tooth or a 10- penny nail and see it totally dissolve in a few days!"
Research testing was done to test the IQ of children on vegan diets versus the typical American diet. It was found that the average IQ of the vegan child was 116. This should ease the minds of parents who are concerned that the vegetarian diet may not provide enough nutrition for proper brain development.
Many children brought up on the vegan diet are a little smaller than those brought up on the Standard American Diet, but adult heights and weights are similar to those eating a meat-based diet. It is interesting to note that breast-fed babies grow slower than bottle-fed babies, perhaps just as God intended! Studies also have found that young girls raised without the consumption of animal products reach puberty at approximately age 16, compared to about age 12 or less for girls who consume meat, dairy and eggs. Do you think God had it all figured out when He planned for children to grow up gradually, reach puberty later and to live a longer, more productive life?
Perhaps the most important aspect of raising children that we need to remember is those habits that are learned as a child will follow them into adulthood. Children who acquire a taste for meat and junk food today will be the patients found in the hospitals and clinics tomorrow.