Reasons to Juice Fruits and Vegetables "Nature's medicines are locked in the cells of growing plant and released in their juices… These juices, subtle in their action, yet more potent than any medicine, and without the toxic effect of drugs, can eliminate or prevent many of the chronic and degenerative disease with which human beings are afflicted. Fresh fruit juices are the cleansers of the human system. Vegetable juices are the regenerators and builders of the body… When we consider that vegetables and fruits have been naturally cooked by solar energy; that they contain all the elements the sun and earth have buried deep in their fiber cells; that they are nature's live-cell foods- then it follows as logical that if we crush their health-giving fluid into our blood stream, we will receive a share of their vital energy." -John Lust, from Drink Your Troubles Away The fresh fruits and vegetables created by God in the Garden of Eden offered mankind the best of all possible sources of nutrition for sustaining and healing our bodies. Since that time, we have polluted the Earth and eroded many of the precious minerals from our topsoil, but we must understand that the best of all possible sources of nutrition for sustaining and healing our bodies is still the fresh fruits and vegetables created by God. The nutritional composition of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables is unique because on the cellular level these raw fruits and vegetables are composed of vitamins, minerals, amino acids (protein) and enzymes, all in their natural form and proper combination, that are exactly what your body needs to become the building blocks and fuel to build and rebuild vital, new living human cells of every kind - blood cells, hair cells, brain cells, heart muscle cells, lung cells, etc. These essential nutrients offer what we need not just to sustain, but to literally rebuild our vital organs, immune system, and every cell in our body. John H. Norris, Ph.D., a biochemist and microbiologist who is a research scientist retired from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration and the National Institute of Health, has determined the Hallelujah Diet to be a very potent form of nutrition. Writing to Hallelujah Acres, in a letter published in Issue #15 of Back to the Garden, Dr. Norris states, "Our research has shown that when we eat natural nutrients (at least 65- percent raw fruits and vegetables) there is an energy explosion within our body. This gives the body the necessary tools it needs to rebuild strong cells that it takes to gain control of the body. ... This we believe is or will be the beginning road map to return to the Garden of Eden." There is nothing created by man - no processed food, no miracle drug, procedure, or whatever - that can offer the same healing benefits of raw fruits and vegetables because none of these man-made substances can be used by our cells to actually rebuild vibrantly healthy new cells and organs. All this is even more significant when we understand that the Lord gave us a self-healing body. We can witness our body's self-healing ability with our own eyes. If we get a cut or scratch on our skin, we can actually see it heal before our very eyes. Every organ in our body has that same self-healing ability and the best way to promote this ability is to build a strong immune system with raw foods created by God, rather than weaken that immune system with hazardous foods, drugs, radiation, chemotherapy and other unnatural substances the world has to offer. Raw fruits are the best cleansers of the human body, and raw vegetables are the best feeders and healers. The reason raw vegetables are the best healers is that vegetables are higher in most nutritional content than fruit, especially mineral content. Raw fruits are great cleansers because they are quickly digested and their fiber is able to flush out our system. Fiber acts as an intestinal broom to clear out our colon. Although fiber has no nutritional value itself, it is an essential part of our diet and the best form of fiber we can consume is in the form of raw fruits and vegetables. So where does juicing fit in? It's true that, in the Garden of Eden, there were no juicing machines. And it's also true that juicing removes the fiber, which is essential to keep our colon clean. So, what is the advantage of juicing? Well, the need for juicing arises because neither our world nor our bodies are as pure and perfect as they were at the time of the original Garden. A person trying to heal or prevent disease needs to offer his or her body's cells as much high-quality, usable nutrition as possible so those cells can revitalize weakened organs by creating new cells that are healthier than the ones being replaced. The best way of doing this is with the consumption of fresh vegetable juice because the nutrients in this juice offer the very components - vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes - that are needed to rebuild our cells. The advantage in drinking fresh vegetable juice rather than eating the whole vegetable is that the fiber has been removed, and thus we can get much more nutrition to the cellular level of our bodies much quicker, and with much less energy expended in assimilating it. For example, we can consume the nutrition from a whole pound (16 ounces) of carrots by drinking just one 8-ounce glass of carrot juice, and get that nutrition into our bloodstream and on the way to our cells in a matter of minutes. And then in another hour, we can drink another 8-ounce glass. Compare this to eating raw carrots: First of all, the amount of nutrients from eating carrots would be much less because a person would not eat anywhere near 16 ounces of raw carrots in one meal. Eating and digesting carrots also would take more time and would require much more energy to be expended by the body in the process of digestion, which would take at least an hour (or longer if improper food combinations occur). Eating whole raw fruits and vegetables is a very important part of the Hallelujah Diet, but juicing vegetables (and taking Barleygreen) is the most efficient means of getting large quantities of high-quality nutrition into the body without the time-consuming and energy-depleting process of digestion. A person should eat enough raw fruits and vegetables each day to provide all the fiber necessary to maintain a clean and healthy colon, which will have an impact on the waste elimination and cleansing of every cell and organ in the body. It must be remembered that when food is cooked, heat destroys the fiber's magnetism, and leaves a mushy coating on the intestinal walls, which putrefies, leading to disease, according to Dr. N.W. Walker. So we see that fiber is like all the other major nutritional needs of the body in that it is either destroyed or altered by cooking, so the nutritional advantages to maintaining a diet of at least 75 to 85 percent raw food are obvious. But the question is sometimes asked, "If I just eat raw food, can I get the same results as juicing'?" The answer is unfortunately, "NO!" When we eat raw foods, most people do not chew (masticate) their food properly. And then, solid food requires an hour or more in the digestive system before it can be broken down and assimilated at the cellular level in liquid form. And of course the amount of food that can be eaten is much less than can be juiced. Therefore, the quality and quantity of nutrients made available at the cellular level from freshly-extracted vegetable juices are much higher than what can be obtained by eating solid food. Juicing vegetables allows us to take in much more nutrients, much faster and without expending energy in the process of digestion. In his book, Live Food Juices, H. E. Kirschner, M.D., notes, "The juice of the plant, like the blood of the body, contains all the elements that build and nourish. It is a well-known fact that all foods must become liquid before they can be assimilated." Juicing enables the body to flush toxins that have been stored in cells and vital organs, giving you energy and leaving you feeling refreshed and alive! Live foods make your hair shine, your skin becomes soft and glowing, your breath becomes fresh and your whole being has more vitality than you ever imagined possible. All of the body systems begin to function better as they receive the live, fresh nutrients - vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes, etc. - they so desperately need. The beta carotene found in live plants is a known antioxidant that neutralizes harmful free radicals before they can damage the "genetic blueprint" within each cell. Beta carotene is found not only in carrots, but also in cabbage, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, spinach, rutabagas, kohlrabi, watercress and other greens. According to the American Cancer Society, three or four of these vegetables should be consumed every day. In articles published by the American Cancer Society, they state "that any plant of the Cruciferae family might reduce the incidence of colon, stomach and esophageal cancers. In animals, these vegetables have inhibited the effects of carcinogens." Chlorophyll is another component the human body desperately needs. Man cannot make chlorophyll - it can only be found in plants. Current research indicates that chlorophyll appears to fight tumor growth, especially in the lungs. The chlorophyll works on the adrenal glands and cleans the lymph nodes, improving the blood and removing debris that clog the arteries. Chlorophyll is also a deodorizer. When we were born, God built into each one of us an enzyme supply that is required to digest food. Although many are able to maintain life on a cooked-food diet, their bodies break down quickly. People on a mostly cooked diet become lethargic since the body does not receive the nutrients it needs to regenerate the life force. Disease can invade a weakened and depleted immune system because the body is using all of its reserves just to stay alive! It is important to remember that enzymes are the life force within the plants. When food or juice is heated over 107 degrees, the live enzymes begin to be destroyed and other vital nutrients are changed into a form that the body can no longer use. Therefore, juices that are canned, frozen or bottled lack any nutritional value and should not be used.