
Vitiman Minerals And Protien Supplements

Today we hear many "experts" say that we need to take vitamins, minerals and protein supplements because we cannot obtain sufficient nutrients from the food we eat. The two most familiar arguments used to support the need for nutritional supplements are, number one, that the American diet has become too reliant on nutritionally-deficient processed foods, and, number two, that our soil has been depleted of many of the nutrients required for optimal health. Therefore - these "experts" say - vitamins, minerals and protein supplements must be added to our diet to ensure that proper nourishment is obtained. Argument number one can be negated simply by avoiding processed foods and relying on fresh fruits and vegetables rather than frozen TV dinners, potato chips and Twinkies for nourishment.

But argument number two goes a bit deeper. Many studies have shown that soil erosion and unwise farming practices have indeed depleted our soil of many of the minerals and trace minerals we need for optimal health. If these minerals are lacking in the soil, they will likewise be lacking in the food grown from that soil. That means even people who eat a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables can be lacking in some nutrients if those fruits and vegetables were grown in nutritionally-deficient soil.

This dilemma could be minimized if every family were to organically grow their own food in ideal soil, or buy nothing but organic produce grown from ideal soil. But both of these options are difficult to attain, and neither would provide an absolute guarantee against the existence of some nutritional deficiency.

So, the question is, how can we ensure that our diet is not nutritionally deficient if the soil from which our food is grown has had a portion of its minerals depleted and eroded away into the ocean? This is an extraordinarily important question and, unfortunately, modern nutritional scientists have come up with what is absolutely the wrong answer! First, let's look at the solution provided by the mainstream nutrition industry, and then we'll consider the merits of a more natural answer.

Mainstream nutritionists - with the help of the multi-billion dollar vitamin supplement industry and media advertising - have convinced millions of Americans that their nutritional deficiencies can be met simply by taking an assortment of pills and powders such as vitamin C, multivitamins, calcium tablets, iron, mineral supplements, protein powders, etc.

The reason these types of supplements do not provide significant benefit is that the "nutrients" they contain are not in a form that can be utilized by our bodies. God created our living bodies to be nourished by living nutrients from living fruits and vegetables rather than from mega-doses of heat-processed vitamins in the form of a pill. God created the plant kingdom to provide us with every vitamin, amino acid, enzyme, mineral and fatty acid we need, even the oxygen (a very vital element) that we breathe. And as an added bonus, these plants are even pretty to look at. What more could we ask for?

Most vitamin and mineral supplements may be lumped into three categories. Some vitamin supplements are synthetic; some minerals are derived from rocks instead of plants; while many other supplements claim to be made from a natural vegetable-based source. Let us consider the shortcomings of these three approaches to nutrition.

First of all, anything from a synthetic source is totally useless because no scientist will ever be able to create a synthetic pill, powder or potion that can even come close to duplicating the nutritional benefit of the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and other nutrients found in live fruits and vegetables.

Secondly, minerals derived directly from the earth, rocks or ancient mineral deposits are also not in a form that can be utilized by humans or any other animal. These minerals from the earth are essential because they nourish our soil and the plants that grow in that soil. But these minerals are of no nutritional benefit to humans until plants - with the help of microorganisms from the soil and the process of photosynthesis - transform them into a living, organic form. Calcium, for example, from a raw head of broccoli or a raw leaf of spinach is in a living form and can be taken in and utilized by your living cells to help your body grow and maintain strong bones. But calcium from rocks and mineral deposits cannot be utilized by your living cells, and causes many problems for the body, such as hardening of arteries, kidney stones, gallstones and arthritis in joints. (This is also why we drink distilled water rather than spring water, well water or other forms of ground water; the minerals in ground water have been absorbed from rocks and soil and cannot be utilized by your body.)

The third category, perhaps the largest, is supplements that are claimed to be derived from a natural, vegetable-based source. Some of the ingredients in these supplements are indeed very nutritional in their initial raw state, but these ingredients have usually been extracted from their naturally-occurring form and then cooked and processed into a pill or powder. The only advantage to this pill or powder is that it is in a marketable form, with a shelf "life" that could last for years, or even decades. This is an advantage for those who profit from the sale of these supplements, but it's not very helpful to anyone in need of nutrition. From the perspective of an exhausted cell in need of nourishment, these processed nutritional supplements have no resemblance to the natural, raw nutrients from which they were derived.

Two serious problems exist with nutrients in this processed form. First, the isolation of a specific nutrient - such as vitamin C - from its naturally-occurring source gives us a substance that was intended to work in conjunction with other nutrients in whole food, but not all by itself For example, if you eat a fresh, raw apple, your body will benefit from vitamin C along with dozens of other vitamins and minerals, hundreds of enzymes, etc. - in a totally natural configuration formulated and designed into that apple by our Creator. You will not obtain the same benefit by consuming one isolated ingredient from that apple, such as vitamin C.

A second and more serious problem with this form of supplementation is the cooking and processing with heat, which destroys the life force in what was once a natural substance. The vitamin makers and processed foods industry realize that destruction of the life force in foods is necessary in order to give these products a long shelf "life." Actually, the phrase "shelf death" would be more appropriate here.

Any person knowledgeable on the subject of nutrition should know that an apple or carrot that has been steamed, boiled, baked, microwaved, canned or frozen does not provide the same nutritional benefit as a raw apple or carrot. Live fruits and vegetables provide the nutrients to help your body build new, live cells, but dead foods cannot. So, a "natural" vitamin that has been killed by the heat of cooking and processing cannot be used by your body to create new, living cells.

Any substance you consume that cannot be used to build new living cells must be eliminated by the body as waste. For a nutrient to help you create new living cells in your body, it must pass through two barriers: First it must be absorbed through the intestinal wall, and then it must pass through the microscopic cell wall, where it is used by that cell to carry out its functions and ultimately create a new living cell. If your vitamin, mineral and protein supplements cannot be used to build new living cells, these supplements must be eliminated as waste, and they are burdening your body by providing this extra waste for it to deal with.

There have been many people in the business of cleaning septic tanks and porta-toilets who have said they routinely find hundreds of vitamin pills, completely intact, in the human waste from these tanks and toilets. As Dr. Malkmus often notes in his seminars, "The net effect of taking megavitamins is to produce an expensive and exotic urine, and to overwork the kidneys."

Dr. Ralph C. Cinque writes in his book, Quit for Good: "Don't be tempted to join the vitamin brigade. Notwithstanding the hundreds, if not thousands, of books available, urging you to 'boost your energy,' 'enhance your immune system,' 'heighten your sexuality,' and 'extend your life span' by taking supplements, there is virtually no evidence to support these exorbitant claims made for vitamins. Not a single human life has ever been 'extended' by taking vitamins (except where there have been frank deficiencies to begin with). Vitamin therapy is just another pie-in-the sky promotion, designed to separate you from your money. In fact, the sale of vitamin pills is the biggest commercial health racket of all time."

One of the greatest cover-ups of our time is the refusal of most scientists in the nutrition industry, medical community and government to acknowledge that there is any difference between the nutrients in a fresh, raw fruit or vegetable versus the so-called "nutrients" in cooked, processed foods and nutritional supplements. The government has established a "recommended daily allowance" (R.D.A.) of certain vitamins and minerals, and we are told that a "milligram" (mg) of vitamin C from a synthetic pill counts just as much as a milligram (mg) of vitamin C from a fresh, juicy apple or stalk of broccoli. How could we ever comprehend or explain the reasoning behind such a harmful and illogical lie if we didn't consider the fact that there is more money to be made from selling vitamin pills than from fruits and vegetables that can be grown in a backyard garden?

With all this in mind, let us now go back to the topic of how we can best ensure that our diet is not nutritionally deficient, considering that the soil in which our food is grown has been depleted of a portion of its mineral content.

First of all, we should get as much nutrition (and as few toxins) as possible from the food we eat, which means putting an emphasis on raw fruits and vegetables and avoiding processed foods, animal products, drugs and other junk that give the body more toxic waste to deal with and eliminate. The reason for emphasizing raw fruits and vegetables is that the human body was created by God to be nourished with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes in a living form as they exist in raw foods. After nutrients have been altered by cooking, microwaving or other forms of food processing, they do not provide the same benefits as you will receive by consuming these nutrients in the form that God created them. Eating a diet of at least 75 to 85 percent raw food, provides a good supply of nutrients, along with the fiber needed to keep the digestive and eliminative systems flowing smoothly.

Even though raw fruits and vegetables are the ideal food for humans, research has shown that due to soil erosion and unwise farming practices, these raw fruits and vegetables do not have the same mineral content as they did several decades ago. Some minerals are found in a much lower quantity and some trace minerals are not found at all.

Therefore, in order to obtain optimal nutrition, it is now necessary to do more than must eat raw fruits and vegetables.

The first logical step is to drink freshly-extracted vegetable juice on a daily basis. The advantage to juicing vegetables is that we get a much higher concentration of all nutrients, including minerals, in fresh vegetable juice than we do from eating these vegetables, because we can consume the nutrients from an entire pound of carrots in one eight-ounce glass of carrot juice. The other big advantage to fresh juice is that because the pulp (fiber) has been removed, all these nutrients can be in the bloodstream and on their way to feeding the cells in just a few minutes, without the time-consuming and energy-depleting process of digestion.

The reason fresh vegetable juice makes such a difference in our body's health and self-healing ability is that we are taking nutrients in the form in which we were intended to consume them (as raw vegetables), and producing a liquid that offers more of these nutrients than we would otherwise be able to consume by eating the whole vegetable. And this is without cooking, freeze-drying or any other process that changes the basic structure of the nutrients.

Anyone who has ever given fresh vegetable juice (from a good quality juicer) a serious try knows that it will produce healthful results. The man who developed the process of juicing, Dr. Norman W. Walker, lived to be 119 years old and wrote his last book at the age of 115. This is even more impressive when you consider that Dr. Walker was seriously ill and dying in his early 80's when he was persuaded to try natural healing rather than the medical route.

Fresh vegetable juice could be categorized as a nutritional supplement, because it is a means of supplementing the nutrition we receive from the food we eat. We would be equally justified in categorizing fresh vegetable juice as a natural food because its essential nutrients (vitamins, minerals, protein and enzymes) are in the same form as they were in the raw vegetables created by God for our sustenance. Just as a whole raw carrot, fresh carrot juice is actually alive as it enters your body, bringing living nutrition to your living cells. The only part of the carrot that is removed to make carrot juice is the pulp or fiber. Fiber has no nutritional value per se, so its removal does not take away from the nutritional value of the food. The value of fiber is that it acts as an intestinal broom to cleanse the colon, so we do need to consume plenty of fiber (the best of which comes from eating raw fruits and vegetables). But drinking fresh vegetable juice without fiber is an excellent means of assimilating much more nutritional value than could be obtained from eating that same food.

And the reason we recommend drinking carrot juice on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before a meal is that food should not be digesting in your stomach at the time your body is assimilating the juice. If solid food and carrot juice is in your stomach at the same time, this will require the juice to go through the same time-consuming and energy-consuming process of digestion as your food.

If you contrast juicing with conventional forms of nutritional supplements, you will see the clear advantage to juicing. The problem with conventional vitamins, minerals, protein powders, enzymes, etc., is that they either start with a substance never intended as food for humans (such as vitamins from coal tar or minerals derived from rock), or else they start with a natural food and ruin it by an unnatural process such as cooking or freeze-drying, so that its nutrients are no longer in their original, natural, raw form that we can utilize. On the other hand, fresh vegetable juice starts with a natural source of nutrition, and no heating, freeze-drying, microwaving, etc. is involved to alter the structure of these nutrients.

So, fresh carrot juice is clearly superior to run-of-the-mill vitamin pills, mineral supplements, protein powders, enzymes, etc. In this comparison, the number of milligrams or international units of a vitamin or mineral is irrelevant because one milligram of a nutrient in its natural form is better than ten pounds of that nutrient in an unnatural, processed form that must be eliminated by the body as a foreign substance. It takes more time and effort to juice carrots than it does to open a bottle of vitamin pills, but the benefit is well worth the extra effort.

We teach that fresh vegetable juice is the fastest way of nourishing the body's cells and immune system, which boosts the body's self-healing capabilities to enable the body to heal diseases and disorders. With this understanding, it should come as no surprise when we see people healing all types of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and many other diseases after switching to a vegetarian diet with an emphasis on raw foods and fresh vegetable juices.

When you consider that God created fruits and vegetables to meet our nutritional needs, just think of juicing as a means of getting an extra dose of these nutrients in predigested (liquid) form. This is true especially for freshly-extracted vegetable juice, since vegetables contain the highest amount of nutrients that build our new living cells. (Raw vegetables are the best builders of new cells, while raw fruits are the best cleansers.) And we specifically recommend drinking freshly-extracted juice from California juicing carrots.

Juicing vegetables gives us an extra dose of all the nutrients that are in these vegetables, but remember, there are some trace minerals that are said to be totally eroded from most American topsoil. That is where the importance of sea vegetables comes in. If some of the trace minerals have eroded from our soil, the only way to obtain them is from plants grown in the ocean (which is where the minerals have eroded to). Examples of very nutritious sea vegetables include kelp, non, dulse and kombu, but our favorite is kelp. Kelp powder can be consumed as a seasoning on vegetables and grains (but don't cook it because it should be consumed raw).

Kelp is also an essential ingredient in Barleygreen, which is just one of the reasons that make this product an exceptional nutritional supplement. In fact, Barleygreen from American Image Marketing (AIM) is the only processed nutritional supplement we recommend.

As a nutritional supplement, Barleygreen has some of the same advantages as vegetable juice, because Barleygreen is a powder derived primarily from the juice of young barley plants. But there is a wider spectrum of all the nutrients needed by humans in Barleygreen than in any vegetable juice, which is part of the incredible benefits from consuming Barleygreen. This is because young leaves of barley have been determined to have a wider spectrum of all the vitamins, minerals, protein and enzymes necessary for human nutrition than any other single food. And with kelp, we have the addition of trace minerals, which can only be derived from ocean plants.

This juice is spray-dried into a powder in a patented process, taking two to three seconds, in which no heat above body temperature is used. This spray-drying process bonds the barley juice to a water-soluble fiber, which stabilizes the nutrients until they come into contact with water or saliva. Because of this juicing process, Barleygreen has the same advantage as fresh vegetable juice in that its nutrients can go directly into the bloodstream and to the cells without digesting fiber. And because no heat or freeze-drying is involved in the processing the nutrients in Barleygreen are still in their live, raw, natural form.

Green leafy vegetables have the highest concentration of nutrients of all categories of food, and young leaves of barley have been determined by Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara, M.D., the inventor of Barleygreen, to have the widest spectrum of all the necessary vitamins, minerals, enzymes, proteins and chlorophyll of any source on Earth. That is why young leaves of barley are the main ingredient in Barleygreen. The grain of barley has been used as a staple of human nutrition for thousands of years, but the peak of nutritional value of the barley plant is reached when the young plant's leaves are about 10 to 12 inches tall, the stage at which it is harvested to produce Barleygreen.

And even more nutritional value is gained with the addition of kelp to Barleygreen. When Dr. Hagiwara brought his green barley powder to the United States in the early 1980s, he brought a product that had been developed for the Japanese people. But he quickly realized that the American people were extremely deficient in trace minerals and so he added kelp to his green barley powder. Kelp contains every known (and some still to be discovered) mineral that exists on the Earth - possibly as many as 100. Why does kelp contain so many minerals? Because the ocean is the repository of all minerals on Earth as minerals have washed down the streams and rivers into the oceans for thousands of years. Ocean plants, living in this sea of minerals, are able to take these inorganic minerals from the sea water and change them to an organic form.

The fact that Barleygreen begins with such nutritional ingredients and then maintains the value of those nutrients by avoiding heat in its patented processing makes it a product beyond comparison with other packaged nutritional supplements of any kind. Barleygreen is a living food while other vitamin supplements are dead chemicals! Our bodies recognize only living food as nourishment while they recognize dead chemicals as poison that must be eliminated.

With this in mind, it is clear that the quality of a nutritional supplement is much more important than its quantity. Too many people put too much emphasis on how many milligrams or international units of some isolated nutrient they consume, without any determination of whether any of that can actually be utilized by our body. The U.S.R.D.A. is seriously flawed, partly because it does not even recognize the difference between nutrients from real food versus synthetic vitamins.

As Dr. Hagiwara explains, "Barleygreen is a whole food. The era of focusing on vitamins or minerals is gone in the field of the most vanguarded research, and much more attention is being focused on biological phenomenon."

For proof compare the health of the average American who takes standard vitamins with the health of a person who takes Barleygreen, drinks fresh vegetable juice and maintains a vegetarian diet of primarily raw fruits and vegetables.